Jae PharmD, CPT

Doctor of Pharmacy, Nation Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer

I became a Pharmacist in 2014 and trained my first paid fitness client 5 years later. In pharmacy school, optimizing Wellness through diet, exercise, handling stress, social isolation and sleep was called Lifestyle Modifications. During the summer after I graduated, I went down the rabbit hole of Nutrition & Exercise Science because I wanted to learn more about Lifestyle Modifications. I am certified as a personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I chose them because of their evidence-based personal training foundation. Like many healthcare professionals, I knew the right things to do but I did not always implement them in my personal life. I got injured after a fall as a result of drinking alcohol in 2018. While recovering I developed a poor mindset and completely stopped training for a few months. After 2 months of depression I decided to make a change and stop drinking alcohol. I started incorporating the nutrition and exercise science knowledge that I learned a few years before. My most rewarding experiences as a pharmacist occurred when I spent several minutes counseling someone on Lifestyle Modifications and they returned a few months later with a huge smile and expressing gratitude that I had taken the time to teach them things that changed their lives for the better. It was always a pleasure hearing that their doctor had stopped their diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol medications in response to their improved blood work. When working with clients, I like to educate & build from the ground up. If you're willing to learn, I can empower you with knowledge so instead of handing you a fitness & meal plan, I'll teach you how to build your own. Let's get it!

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Jae  PharmD, CPT
Jae  PharmD, CPT
Jae  PharmD, CPT